River of Guidance Library

Murshid S.A.M.'s Spiritual Transmission:

Attuning to his Makam through his Writings

with Murshid Tansen O'Donohoe

During this course we will be looking at some of the essential writings from four main aspects of Murshid's work: the original papers, the commentaries, his poetry and his correspondence. We will look at how to read these writings to receive directly the teachings and transmission embedded in them.

Toward the One the Perfection of Love Harmony and Beauty, the Only Being, United with All the Illuminated Souls who form the Embodiment of the Master, the Spirit of Guidance.

Most of us as mureeds and guides in the Ruhaniat did not have the opportunity to know Murshid Samuel Lewis when he was alive in the body. Fortunately for us it’s clear that Murshid did establish his makam in the world through some of his disciples who have carried and shared this transmission for the past 50 years.

It is also apparent that Murshid S.A.M.’s transmission is, even now, directly accessible to us all: an indelible imprint of his makam is to be found in his esoteric papers, his esoteric commentaries of the work of Pir-O-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan, his poetry and his correspondence. Murshid seems entirely conscious that he was creating and leaving this legacy for the benefit of those who follow.

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