River of Guidance Library

The Wisdom of the Sacred Feminine: On the Wings of a Dove

with Sheikha Munira Elizabeth Reed

We invite you to join us as we explore themes of the Sacred Feminine from a universalist Sufi perspective. As human beings, we ask, 'Who am I? Where did we come from? Why are we here? How can we live with love and respect for all beings?' Opening to the Divine Feminine, we open to ourselves, our earth, and creation itself.

We search the heavens, oracles, and sacred texts for the Real, the Real who is always present, the Real who Remains, the Love behind all Love. During our three class meetings we will explore how the Sacred Feminine informs and guides us. We will engage in chant, guided meditation, self-inquiry, deep listening, and tuning ourselves to deepen our experience of Sacred Unity through the lens of the Divine Feminine.

About Munira:

Munira is a Ruhaniat Sheikha, a cherag, senior DUP mentor, served on the SRI Board of Trustees and currently serves on the Board of Directors of Dances of Universal International. She has published numerous articles, two online meditation courses: A Healing Journey with the Aramaic Lord's Prayer and Breathing with the Divine Breath: Deep Inner Healing in the Beatitude Way and an educational manual with Saadi's resources on Native Middle Eastern approaches to spiritual practice. Her current writing project focuses on goddesses in the first-century Middle East during the time of Yeshua's life. She lives in Columbus, Ohio with her wife and life partner of over 32 years, Mary Jo Marraffa, a holistic chiropractor... read more

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  • All + are downloadable PDF’s

    Continue with a practice we experienced during the first Class:

    +Practices from class one.

    +SALAT (inclusive) (from SRI Murshids Circle)


  • Thank you for this opportunity to share some of the work that has informed and inspired my life journey with the Divine Feminine. This work has offered hope over the years, living in this world of "form" with limitations, divisions, and differences. Inshallah even one piece of information or practice will offer some measure of hope and inspiration to you. It is an honor and pleasure to be a part of each other's journey in this way.


    Intone Hokhmah, let go into the sound and, in silence feel the connection of your small "I am" to the larger "I Am"

    Focus on diversity inside --at your own inner table, bring voices of diversity to the table --- breathe with love and respect for all. Release.

    Focus on diversity outside -- voices of diversity in nature, in people, all the circles of public or private life, cultures, races, identities -- bring all the voices of diversity outside to sit at the table --- bring Light to this table, the embrace of Hokhmah. There may be transformative work, some work for outer justice. Continue to focus on Light and illumination, then allow light to illuminate what your own role might be in this transformative work. Release.

    Prayer - Khatum -pdf By Hazrat Inayat Khan

    Thunder, Perfect Mind Poem pdf and translations

    Quotes pdf


    These questions are an invitation to reflect on your experience during our time together exploring the sacred feminine:

    1) something new I have learned

    2) some way I have been challenged

    3) something I have been inspired by

    4) something I feel inspired to do