River of Guidance Library

Keys to the Divine Treasury: Perennial Wisdom of the Ancient Sufis

with Murshid Himayat Inayati

The teachings and practices that Hazrat Inayat Khan brought to the West emerged from the wisdom teachings of early Sufi Masters. Drawing from this perennial body of wisdom we will explore these teachings and through our practice invoke direct experience. During this class, we will explore several key lineage elements in a manner that seeks to support, clarify and deepen our personal practice. The class will offer an introduction to the mirror of the subtle heart, to the interplay of mujahida and mushahida in practice, and through practice, tasting the divine (dhawq), drinking the divine (sharb), knowing of the Divine (ma'rifa), experiencing divine intimacy (uns), and realization of transcendent and immanent union (tawhid).  

About Murshid Himayat

Himayat Inayati received the sacred transmission of Murshid Samuel Lewis through bayat and training with Sheikh Mansur Johnson in the early 1970's and received initiation as Murshid by Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan in 2001, a post re-affirmed by the Murshids' Circle in January 2020, when he joined the Sufi Ruhaniat International. Himayat served in the Sufi Order of the West as a personal guide, a retreat guide, a founding member of Suluk Academy, and as International Kefayat of the The Sufi Healing Order for 20 years. Himayat's essential service is to support those called to find and savor divine intimacies.

“Some years ago, a tape by Himayat inspired me with a practice that helped me open my heart more. When I met him years later, I thanked him, and he gave me a more detailed explanation that expanded my heart more.” - Murshida Asha