River of Guidance Library

ISHQ: Opening to the Mystery: Sufism and Quantum Physics

with Murshid Mariam Baker

Three 90-minute videos to watch at your own pace

We invite you to deepen in the Fana and Baqa of our Ruhaniat Tariqat, embodying stillness and movement, listening, feeling and experiencing the Energy and Guidance of the Message in this time. We open our Heart capacity to greater Mastery and Guidance, supporting one another and infusing this moment in our life cycle with balance, integration and the co-creativity that lives within our breath, blood, body and soul!

"Mysteries known to the mystic are evident on all planes of existence."

-Sufi Ahmed Murad Chisti

Through the creative arts and living wisdom of Breath and Remembrance, we cross a threshold into a larger Mystery, beyond the binary formula and polarity of male/female, love/hate into the Universal body of Energy and Breath within ourselves and our communities. 

About Mariam:

Mariam Baker, spiritual midwife, energy weaver, mother of five children, is a dedicated student of embodied spirituality. She is interested in practical tools for personal and planetary growth and healing - a way of mysticism that is interwoven with everyday life.

Initiated in the Inayati Chistia lineage of Sufism through Hazrat Inayat Khan and Murshid Samuel Lewis, she is student and friend of the late Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Moineddin Jablonski. She received Moineddin's transmission to continue SoulWork, a marriage of psychological and spiritual tools that opens pathways to the integration of being.