River of Guidance Library

GOD IS BREATH - Cultivating a Loving Relationship with the God Reality

with Sheikh Muiz Brinkerhoff

Experience some of the fundamental Sufi teachings and practices that are included in the God is Breath Study and Practice Program developed by Murshid Wali Ali Meyer. Sheikh Muiz, one of his long-time students, will share a series of these core teachings and practices that deepen our experience of Breath, Fikr, Heart Awareness, and Tasawwuri Murshid. Cultivating loving relationships with the Illuminated Souls and the One and Only Being is one way to "make God a Reality", 

 "This is the whole of the inner methodology of the Sufi Path in a nutshell … we use this loving connection with the Source as the vehicle of our growth, and we continue to imagine and have our notion and feeling for what God is, evolving along with our own development of our inner consciousness and feeling and heart nature.” Murshid Wali Ali Meyer

About Muiz:

Muiz Brinkerhoff, from Northern California, was initiated into Ruhaniat Sufism in 1975 and recognized as Sheikh by Murshid Wali Ali and Pir Moineddin in 1996. As one of the first openly gay/queer-identified men to be recognized as a Ruhaniat leader and guide, his easy reception by the Teachers Circle and his matter-of-fact manner of being himself has encouraged other LGBTQ+ guides to come out. He continues to offer supportive role modeling for younger LGBTQ+ community members to feel welcome in our lineage.

Over the past 43 years Muiz has led the Dances and Sufi Practice around the USA, in the UK, Netherlands, France, Morocco, and South Africa. He combines a variety of embodied spiritual practices with methods of identifying and healing shadow issues and not taking the limited self so seriously; in order to cultivate a radiant attitude, an inclusive Heart, increase empathy, kindness and gratitude; and practice Presence.